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Have you ever noticed that sometimes when playing your piano it doesn’t sound as rich? In fact, it may sound muffled. This is a very common issue in both upright and grand pianos. The good news is that it can easily be diagnosed and fixed by a piano technician.
Have you ever asked yourself why does my piano sound muffled? Pianos sound muffled when the wool hammers have not hardened. Piano technicians can make adjustments to the hammers through voicing. Voicing helps bring a uniform tone to the piano without changing the pitch.
Now that you know the most common reason for the dull sound of your piano, it’s important to know exactly how voicing works. I’ll discuss the procedure in detail, the benefits of voicing a piano, the estimated costs, and other reasons a piano might produce a muffled tone.
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How Piano Voicing Works
Piano voicing is a special technique that improves the overall tone production of the instrument. Even the slightest it of loose strings in the hammer felt can cause a change to the tone; especially on high-end instruments.
It takes a skilled technician to do this and is usually done at the same time as a piano tuning. The process involves adjusting the material on the hammers of the piano. There are many ways to do this, and every technician has a preference for working with instruments.
It’s very important that whichever tone is desired, that it remain uniform across the entire piano. This way, the piano has a balanced tone in all of the ranges, and no notes sound out of place.
Different Ways To Voice A Piano
There are many ways to voice a piano. Because each piano is different, piano technicians will customize their strategy depending on the situation. The age, size of the hammer, condition of the hammers, and the overall tone of the piano will impact what strategy is used. Below are a few of the common ways piano technicians voice instruments.
Hammer Filing And Shaping
The piano technician will start off by unscrewing the keyboard and carefully removing the action out of the piano. At this point, the entire action is visible, including the keys and hammers.
Starting from the center, the piano technician will set up a wooden voicing block underneath the hammers. The voicing block is an even surface to help with making precise adjustments to the felt.
At this point, the piano technician will start by analyzing the hammers for unevenness and shape. If some hammers are wider than others, then it means they may need some shaving.
Technicians will use a light sandpaper or hammer filing tool to work out the grooves in the hammers until they are all smooth and level.
For a brighter tone, the technician sands the hammer so a flatter head. For a more mellow tone, the hammer will be sanded to a more pointed oval shape. The next thing the technician will do is make sure that the hammers are properly aligned on the strings and balanced.
Using Needle Tools
The more firm a piano hammer is, the brighter the tone will be. This is a common characteristic of many Chinese and Japanese instruments. This is where using a needle tool helps greatly.
After testing the sound, there may be a case when needling of the hammers is needed. It’s often not advised to do needling initially, especially if the hammers have not properly been prepared. The piano will also need an initial tuning before any voicing is performed.
Poking the hammer in various locations with a needle actually softens the felt material, which helps reduce the brightness of the tone. Technicians will usually poke at the top of the hammer because that’s the part that comes into contact with the string.
As the needle goes into the hammer, the felt material begins to spread outward. This leads to a much softer hammer. Most needle tools have a solid wood grip and feature 3 shorter needles. This allows for even distribution across the entire hammer.
In the case when a piano sounds muffled though, the technician will want to sand the hammers or add more lacquer to the hammers.
Hammer Iron To Brighten The Tone
Another technique piano technicians will use is a combination of damp hammer and heat. Often referred to as a hammer iron, you can use the tool to brighten up the tone. The iron is shaped to the hammers so that it can distribute an even amount of heat to the felt.
Technicians will usually spray the hammers with a small water bottle to dampen them first. When they use the hammer iron, it creates steam that allows the felt to expand without losing it’s a round shape.
Other Reasons Your Piano May Sound Muffled
While voicing is the most common reason a piano sounds muffled, there are some other often overlooked things that can also cause it to sound that way.
The most obvious of those is that the lid of the instrument is closed. This affects both styles of pianos although I’ve found upright pianos to suffer most from this. Simply opening up the lid will allow the sound to travel freely outward.
Even folding down the music stand can allow the sound to better travel to the pianist.
What about those situations when the lid is open and it still sounds bad? In that case, the location of the piano may be affecting how it sounds.
Pianos that are located in rooms with a lot of carpeting or full of other items may sound muffled too. This is because the sound waves are being absorbed by all of those items.
This question often gets asked when a new piano leaves the showroom floor and enters a new home. Customers seem to think something is wrong with the instrument, when in fact a change of space can greatly affect the acoustics.
The type of piano you own also has an effect on the sound, especially when comparing uprights to grand pianos. Upright pianos are vertical, so the sound travels up and is much stronger when sitting right at it. Grand pianos are designed differently, so the sound travels out to other areas of the room.
If your piano was recently tuned and then sounded muffled, it’s possible that the action is not aligned correctly. Simply pull out the piano action and carefully put it back in place and test the sound to see if you can hear a difference.
What If My Piano Is Brand New?
If the piano is brand new, it may just need to be played more. The felt on the hammers need a chance to work in the grooves from the metal strings.
Over time the hammer will start to soften, and the brighter tone that you desire will start to come forward. You may still want a voicing eventually, but it’s an expensive procedure that can be avoided in most cases.
Related Questions
How Much Does It Cost To Voice A Piano? Piano technicians charge between $150 – $450 to voice a piano. The entire procedure takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete. The piano will also need to be tuned as part of the overall voicing procedure.
Hello & thanks for stopping by! I’m a professional concert pianist and piano instructor. In the United States, I’ve given successful performances in several places including New York, Florida, Connecticut, & New Jersey, I have also performed internationally in Italy and made my Carnegie Hall debut in 2014. I enjoy blogging about the piano, the art of performance, general music, current events and the latest in music production.